Tuesday, December 13, 2005


It is finals week. I have taken one and have two to go. First up was my Marketing final. I go in, stressed of course, and instead of giving us the final the professor starts teaching! What the?!! And he wanted us to do an evaluation! Department policy says that the eval must be done and turned in before finals week. Also on the day of the final, you just get the final, and thats it. You don't teach. This teacher was horrible! So naturally I gave him the lowest rating possible. I have a calculus study group this afternoon at 2:30. I have had two sessions with a tutor over this where we have worked on the final review. The final review, if completed and handed in, is worth 7 extra points. So of course I will turn it in. I need all the bonus points I can get. So I will study with them. Then go home to study for my thrid final- Financial Management. I will study and create my cheet sheet. An index card. Not much, but still its worth a lot to me. I think I will take this final t/m evening, instead of Thursday morning at 7:45 AM!! So calc final at 12:15 to 3:15 and then home to study some more and then back up to campus to take my Finacial Management Final at 7:45 PM. Yes this sounds like a better plan of action. I think I can I think I can I think I can. Gotta keep saying that while I take my calc final. Wish me luck, I need it!


froggiegirl said...

Good luck, just think, as of tomorrow afternoon calculus will be history!

JBear1982 said...

Oh I hope so.

elizabeth said...

calculus is't that bad ... its actually kinda of fun if you have a good teacher and understandig what you are doing. Calc 2 is actually the hardet and Calc 3 is pretty simple. Calc 1 is just the basics - I miss math. Maybe I should have stayed an engineer (at least I know I would of ahd a full time job somewhere by now).