Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Christmas season is over at the Noel house. Today I took down our lights from our bushes, I removed the candles from the window, and helped mom gather the random Christmas stuff scattered across the house. T/m the tree will come down. My little brother's bday is Jan. 5th so everything has to be down before then. This was done when we were little so that my brother could distinguish between Christmas and his bday.
*So I viewed the infamous clip of John K. Ottenad (former Region 8 Director) singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot". Very funny! I about fell out of my chair laughing.
*Loki is almost done w/ her giant bone that she got for Christmas. She has been working hard at it for a week now. She can now pick it up and wants to be in your lap and chew on her bone! It's cute, but when you are on the floor and you have a 48 pound puppy crawling all over you, you get lots of bruises!
*It is warm and sunny in St. Louis, while some enjoy this weather (froggiegirl for instance), I am hating it. I want my snow and cold weather! I have some really cute sweaters and I want to wear them! I have some hoodies I want to wear too! So the weather needs to get colder and snow needs to head our way. Hey Denver, send some of that snow to St. Louis!
*APO Nationals was a huge success or so I've heard. I wasn't able to make it, but several of my friends were in attendance. Lucky for me I have som GREAT friends who kept me updated and shared stories. Shout out to Robert R. who kept me in the loop in regards to legislation. The main issue I was worried about was the Toast song. Last Nationals in Denver 2004, we (the delegates) spent 3 and a half hours arguing about it. Luckily, the Toast song stays intact and I am happy for it! Tradition is important and I'm really glad it wasn't changed. I also got some friends who said they missed me or would miss me at Nationals- shout out to Steph, George, Katrina, and Marlene. I miss all of my brothers! I am hoping to attend sectionals in the spring, then I will get to see all of my brothers. Tho if you are in St. Louis, call me and we can do something!
*Soon there will be a countdown until Cardinals Spring Training begins. Catchers and pitchers report to Jupiter sometime in Febuary.
Por Siempre: Let's Go Cardinals!!

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