Yesterday, Memorial Day, I got to go to my first Cardinals game at the new Busch Stadium!!! I was soooo excited, and let me tell ya it is awesome!! The game was a 3:15 game against the Houston Astros. The set up of the stadium is soo cool, there are escalators, Build-A-Bear Workshop where you can make your own Fredbird (I bought an already made one w/ Take me out to the Ball Game chip in it, and catchers gear for my Ryan Bear- who wears the Cards uniform all season long). Different places to eat, Ben and Jerry's has a coupla carts, at least two hardees restruants, and lots more. El Birdos gave me a laugh- bad Spanish( Bird in Spanish is parajro). I took my camera and took lots of shots!! I got pics of the diamond, players in the batting cages, stretching, standing for the National Anthem- I got as close as I could for pics. I looked to see how I could get to the wall against the warning track-couldn't figure it out. Next time I will. Pujols hit his 25th Homerun while I was getting my Fredbird. It was awesome! Unfortunately, Molina was not catching that day. Oh well, I still have at least 2 more games to go to! Hopefully I will get more than 3 chances to visit the new home of the Red birds!
Click here to see Busch Stadium pics.
As Always~ Go Cardinals!!
*UPDATE: I have been informed (by my all knowing father) that the term "El Birdos" is what Orlando Cepeda called the Cardinals back in the hey day.
yes...a coworker has an "EL BIRDOS" sign as his computer wallpaper. I made fun of him until he explained what it meant.
I remember going to old Busch Stadium in 1967 and seeing Orlando Cepeda hit a monster home run. I bought a big button with a Red Bird on it wearing a sombrero and serape(?) that said "Bravo, Bravo, El Birdos!". I wonder what ever became of that pin?
I believe Cepeda won the MVP award that year. I can still hear Harry Carey singing "The Cardinals are Coming, Tra-la la-la" every time they won a game. Then we beat Yaz and the BOSOX in 7 in the World Series. AWESOME!!
My middle-age brain just remembered that Harry Carey nicknamed Orlando
"Cha-Cha" Cepeda because of the little two-step he had in his batting style.
Man, can it really be almost 30 years ago?!
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