Monday, May 15, 2006

ER/ Graduation/ Summer School

*Sat night was interesting to say the least. First we went to my fave restraunt, Chevys, for my bday dinner. As we were finishing eating, mom starting not feeling well. So I escorted her down to the truck early, by this time her pain was increasing. So when my dad and brother arrived to the truck after paying the bill, we had decided to go to the ER. First we were going to go to St. Johns b/c thats our hospital of choice. Unfortunately, mom was in so much pain we decided to go to St. Josephs b/c it was closer. They gave her some antacids and pain pills. Not exactly sure what caused all of this. So today she went to the hospital (St. Johns) and had an ultrasound of her liver and gall blader- the tech said everything looked good. So now we get to sit on pins and needles until the doc calls back and explains whats up. Hopefully, it will be something minor and the doc can fix her up. Mom says the whole time she was in the ER, she kept telling the nurses that she had to be better by Sunday b/c her daughter was graduating from college.
*On Mother's day, May14, 2006, I graduated from UMSL. Well, actually I walked across the stage and won't "graduate" until August. It was cool though, I am so close to being done. I got to walk w/ my friends and my parents got to see me "graduate". As the second generation of my family to graduate from HS and College, its really cool!
* Today I started my first summer school class. Not bad, the prof. seems like a cool guy. I've heard this class is hard, but we'll see.
*I PASSED MY LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS CLASS!!! Okay, sorry I had to cheer, b/c I was sooo worried I wasn't going to pass b/c I did not do well in that class, but I went to class every time, spoke up in class, and attended some review sessions. Apparently my "hand grenades" (as the prof called 'em) that I tried to work in daily paid off. Nice!
*Whoever posted the last comment on my last post- you made me smile and laugh!!! Thanks!!!

1 comment:

gimlet said...

Wow, hope your mom is all right. That's definitely scary - hopefully it is just a weird pain and nothing else.

Sorry we missed you walking on Saturday. We promise to make it up to you once you gradumatate. White Castle, here we come! :^)