Yesterday, Memorial Day, I got to go to my first Cardinals game at the new Busch Stadium!!! I was soooo excited, and let me tell ya it is awesome!! The game was a 3:15 game against the Houston Astros. The set up of the stadium is soo cool, there are escalators, Build-A-Bear Workshop where you can make your own Fredbird (I bought an already made one w/ Take me out to the Ball Game chip in it, and catchers gear for my Ryan Bear- who wears the Cards uniform all season long). Different places to eat, Ben and Jerry's has a coupla carts, at least two hardees restruants, and lots more. El Birdos gave me a laugh- bad Spanish( Bird in Spanish is parajro). I took my camera and took lots of shots!! I got pics of the diamond, players in the batting cages, stretching, standing for the National Anthem- I got as close as I could for pics. I looked to see how I could get to the wall against the warning track-couldn't figure it out. Next time I will. Pujols hit his 25th Homerun while I was getting my Fredbird. It was awesome! Unfortunately, Molina was not catching that day. Oh well, I still have at least 2 more games to go to! Hopefully I will get more than 3 chances to visit the new home of the Red birds!Click here to see Busch Stadium pics.As Always~ Go Cardinals!!*UPDATE: I have been informed (by my all knowing father) that the term "El Birdos" is what Orlando Cepeda called the Cardinals back in the hey day.

Loki went to the vet today for her last puppy checkup. Loki now weighs 25 lbs compared to the 8 or so lbs she weighed when we first got her. Loki is in excellent health, except for an icky ear infection. She should be better in 2 weeks, I got meds for her, and was shown how to "flush" her ears to keep them clean and infection free, and how to give puppylupagus meds. Loki is responding better and better everyday to her training. She knows how to sit and stay, down-stay, sit-down-sit, and is learning heel. I am also going to teach her ook, which is when the dog lays down and places their head b/t their paws- its really cute! Loki was introduced to her pool, was hesitant at first and now she loves it. Can't wait until she gets in the lake! That should be good! Loki left an interesting bruise on my thigh, it was the shape of a heart, so I said it was from Loki with love. Cute huh? She is definately a lap puppy. She is retrieving very well, and is learning the word "release". Click here to see all pics of the Lokilu!
Bashing the Chicago Cubs always makes me feel better, and recently my dad emailed me this bashing statement. Hope you enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did:20 major events that have occurred since the Chicago Cubs last laidclaim to a World Series Championship:
1. Radio was invented; Cubs fans got to hear their team lose.2. TV was invented; Cubs fans got to see their team lose.3. Baseball added 14 teams; Cubs fans get to see and hear their team lose to more clubs.4. George Burns celebrated his 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th,70th, 80th, 90th and 100th birthdays.5. Haley's comet passed Earth - twice.6. Harry Cary was born....and died. Incredible, but true.
7. The NBA, NHL and NFL were formed, and Chicago teams won championship in each league.8. Man landed on the moon, as have several home runs given up by Cubs pitchers.9. Sixteen U.S. presidents were elected.10. There were 11 amendments added to the Constitution.11. Prohibition was created and repealed.12. The Titanic was built, set sail, sank, was discovered and became the subject of major motion pictures, the latest giving Cubs fans hope that something that finishes on the bottom can come out on top.13. Wrigley Field was built and becomes the oldest park in the national League.14. Flag poles were erected on Wrigley Field roof to hold all of the team's future World Series pennants. Those flag poles have since rusted and been taken down.15. A combination of 40 Summer and Winter Olympics have been held.
16. Thirteen baseball players have won the Triple Crown; several thanked Cubs pitchers.17. Bell-bottoms came in style, went out of style and came back in style; disco did the same.18. The Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox and Florida Marlins have all won the World Series.19. The Cubs played 14,153 regular-season games; they lost the majority of them.20. Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Oklahoma and New Mexico were admitted to the Union.Go Cards!! As Always beat those Cubbies!!
Here is my weekly post on the St. Louis Cardinals, the best baseball team in the world. I have been soo busy and stessed I have been unable to blog on my favorite things- namely the Cardinals. The Cardinals had their first interleague games this past weekend. They roughed up the Kansas City Royals (worst team in the American League). Firstbaseman Albert Pujols hit a homerun in each game, bringing his HR total to 22. Radio broadcasters and sports journalists alike say if he continues at this pace he will hit 83 HRs for the season!! Pujols has the potential and ability to do it, I just don't see it happening. As the Cardinals add more wins to their belt, fewer and fewer pitchers are going to pitch to Pujols b/c they know what he is capable of. More than likely, Pujols will walk more times than hitting HRs. Catcher Yadier Molina started Friday night and Sat. night games, unfortunately he didn't get any hits. Molina is struggling at the plate; defensively he is awesome, but offense needs work. The lack of hits are not the result of lack of practice and aggression at the plate. Molina is aggressive at the plate and doing the best to get a hit for his team. The broadcasters for FSN said that each time Molina bats, his stance is changing. I personally don't think this method is wise. I think Molina should lean on batting coach and fellow players for advice. Work with Pujols- the man can hit anything and Molina is reported by manager Tony LaRussa as willing to listen and learn. Chris Duncan was brought up from Triple A and hit a homerun in his first appearence in 2006 (kinda like he did last year, hmm interesting..). Proud Poppa coach Dave Duncan was in the dugout and smiled upon his son's long ball. Welcome once again to the big leagues Chris Duncan! Tonight the Birds on the Bat take on the San Francisco Giants and Barry Bonds (who unfortunatley tied Babe Ruth's numbers for HRs hit). Mark Mulder takes the mound tonight. Hopefully our pitchers will not let him get another HR and surpass Ruth's prestigous record. Barry Bonds has lied to fans and judges alike; he has done steriods. Period. If you look at him when he was a rookie and then 4 or so years later- it is not naturally possible to develop like that at his age. He had some help, serious help. So go Cards and don't let "baby" Barry Bonds send one deep into the crowds. Oh yea one more thing about the Royals- Cards games; there were more Cardinal fans at the stadium than Royal fans! It must be sad to hear "Let's go Cardinals!" at your home stadium (other than Busch). Former Carindals Reggie Sanders and Mark Grudzielanek are now playing for the Royals- bad move- worse than shortstop Edgar Renteria's move to the Boston Red Sox.
Today I finally listened to my new CD; Carrie Underwood: Some Hearts. Some Hearts is one of my fave songs right now. Well I have to say that this is easily one of the better CD's I own. I love the entire CD, which is rare, b/c a lot of the CD's I have there are at least one or two songs I will purposly skip. However, this is not the case. Underwood's freshman CD is awesome. I highly reccomend buying it. If you go to Best Buy's website, you can actually preview her cd. Or if you visit her official site (which I did only to get the pic of her CD- but no such luck) you can hear the songs in its entirety. Fave track(s): Wasted, and Some Hearts. Other CD's I recently listened to include Shakira: Oral Fixation Vol. 2- Fave track- Animal City. I recieved that CD as a bday gift from Froggiegirl and Gimlet. They also got me Rob Thomas's CD Something to be- another CD I absolutely love- fave track: This is how a Heart Breaks. I can recommend all three of these CD's in good faith- you won't be disapointed. Next CD to buy: either Blackeyed Peas Monkey Business or Shakira Oral Fixation vol 1.
*Sat night was interesting to say the least. First we went to my fave restraunt, Chevys, for my bday dinner. As we were finishing eating, mom starting not feeling well. So I escorted her down to the truck early, by this time her pain was increasing. So when my dad and brother arrived to the truck after paying the bill, we had decided to go to the ER. First we were going to go to St. Johns b/c thats our hospital of choice. Unfortunately, mom was in so much pain we decided to go to St. Josephs b/c it was closer. They gave her some antacids and pain pills. Not exactly sure what caused all of this. So today she went to the hospital (St. Johns) and had an ultrasound of her liver and gall blader- the tech said everything looked good. So now we get to sit on pins and needles until the doc calls back and explains whats up. Hopefully, it will be something minor and the doc can fix her up. Mom says the whole time she was in the ER, she kept telling the nurses that she had to be better by Sunday b/c her daughter was graduating from college.*On Mother's day, May14, 2006, I graduated from UMSL. Well, actually I walked across the stage and won't "graduate" until August. It was cool though, I am so close to being done. I got to walk w/ my friends and my parents got to see me "graduate". As the second generation of my family to graduate from HS and College, its really cool!* Today I started my first summer school class. Not bad, the prof. seems like a cool guy. I've heard this class is hard, but we'll see.*I PASSED MY LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS CLASS!!! Okay, sorry I had to cheer, b/c I was sooo worried I wasn't going to pass b/c I did not do well in that class, but I went to class every time, spoke up in class, and attended some review sessions. Apparently my "hand grenades" (as the prof called 'em) that I tried to work in daily paid off. Nice!*Whoever posted the last comment on my last post- you made me smile and laugh!!! Thanks!!!
*I had my second epidural steriod shot for my back this afternoon. I dont' feel quite as loopy as before. Hopefully this will do the trick. Cross your fingers for me.*Spring Semester is over, and Monday it starts all over again. I start my Stategic Management class- four days a week 9:30-12:10. Oh joy.*Loki is doing beautifully...we visited the vet Tuesday night and he said she is in perfect health and everything is right on target. It was very reassuring to hear this. I am so glad my little Loki is great! She is almost 12 weeks and its time for her to gain some manners. We will be enrolling her in obedience classes soon. She now weighs 19.2 lbs! She is getting soo big!*The Cardinals stopped their four game osing streak by pounding the Marlins! Pujols is up to 18 homeruns and 43(maybe more) RBI's. Marquis is having a tough time on the mound, Soup is tearing it up on the mound with four straight victories(only bad thing is when he pitches, Gary Bennet catches- his defense is getting better). Molina seems to have shouldered off some of the problems of not hitting, and is doing better at the plate. Only thing that bothers me- he shaved his head! Gone are the black curls, why? Why do guys do that? Not everybody looks good bald, Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis are the exceptions to that rule. Yadier-grow those curls back fast- they look good!! Izzy is also doing much better (I heard he reads blogs about himself and uses it as fuel), so hopefully Izzy will read this and smile- his command on the mound is much improved. Also a general shout out to the entire Cardinals team! You guys are fantastic! Keep it up! Your fans adore you! World Series here we come baby!!*My stress level is through the roof- so if I seem snapish to anyone, I apologize in advance. I'm stressed beyond belief, but I'll get through...I always have. So don't worry about me, believe it or not that stresses me more when ppl worry about me. *One more random thing: Guess what movie was playing on the Titanic the night it sank? Give up? The Posiden Adventure, the original black and white silent film which is making its third trip to the big screens and its fourth remake. I think this will be a rental for me, unless a group of y'all want to go and see it. Any takers?
I think the title is self explanetory. This is how in a nutshell I am feeling right now. *Editors Note: No one person is responsible for my being stressed. It is a combination of several things.I will start to feel lots better once finals are over and grades are in. Hopefully I will pass all of my classes, I know I passed three of them for sure, just worried about Legal Environment of Business and Business Statisitics. **I think Loki grew while I was in Columbia! She looks bigger! Scary how fast she is growing!!