Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006

Okay I am going to put down some resolutions I will try to keep.

1) Get in better shape, so that when I have to have knee surgery again (why pretend that its not going to happen, better to suck it up), recovery will be smoother.
2) Get in better shape to keep me from having above mentioned surgery sooner.
3) Try to have more patience with my brother...thats gonna be hard.
4) Keep my desk in my home office and my room better organized and cleaner than in the past. (This one I will definately do b/c my desks were soo messy I was getting ticked)
5) Go on vacation before I start my real job after graduating. (Doesn't have to be out of the country- tho I would prefer it. Could be going to Tampa to visit the cousins, or to San Antonio(my second fav. city), go to another ballpark w/ Dad).
6) Try to go to the Cardinals Spring Training this year!

Okay now lets see how many of these I actually am able to do. 1, 4, and 5 are going to happen. I am going to work out more w/ Froggiegirl. I am a big organization freak so my desks will get cleaned. And I will go on a real vacation before I start my real job- I have to b/c I don't know when my next vacation will be after I start working full time in the real world.


Merc Man said...

Good point on the home office. I should have made that one of my 2006 resolutions as well. There's nothing worse than wasting a lot of time hunting down paperwork, schedules, etc, etc, instead of getting the stupid task over and done with the first time.

froggiegirl said...

Yes...we are going to work out this year!

elizabeth said...

I would work out with you guys but I am lazy and don't see myself doing such a thing.