Sunday, January 15, 2006


This weekend was an absolute balst!! Alpha Phi Omega's Regional Conference was this Fri and Sat. I had soooo much fun. Friday I got there and got to see Jen F. and Rachel K.(a former Sigma Alpha brother who is now a member of SLU'S Delta Delta chapter- where the conference was held). My salsa class with Andy the flirt went great! Our morning session had more people, but our afternoon session learned a bit more. I had soo much fun. Thursday night after Froggiegirl's work open house (which was awesome), I went salsa dancing with the flirt to get ideas on how to do our workshop. I love to salsa and it was soo cool to teach others to do what I love. B/c Andy and I were presenters we got access to the Presenter's Lounge (oooh ahhh), so we snagged bottles of water from there, and I took a nap there after lunch. Got a great service/fundraiser project from the session "Sweet Charity". Had lunch w/our advisor and former section chair Roach, our current section chair Beth, Andy, Kenny, Edwin, Missy, Emily(who was a hoot Friday night- thanks for dancing w/ me chica), Tanya, another person, Marshall and his friend, and Rob. This was only the day. That night we had this awesome speaker, his story is soo amazing- he has a book coming out soon- must read! We had a live jazz band playing as we entered and ate. We had this yummy cheesecake for desert. Andy and I got certificates and thanks for doing a workshop, unfortunately they spelled Andy's last name wrong. Sorry flirt. Then we danced the night away with a cool DJ, so much better than the one we had at homecoming. I learned how to do a bit of swing dancing (ty Andy), did the electric slide, the macarena to a country song(lol), the cha-cha slide, YMCA, some salsa w/ Andy, danced to thriller, did the timewarp (soo fun!!) and danced to all the other songs. The flirt strutted his stuff for Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"- he was sooo good. The music was awesome. Here are a few of the songs they played.... Cotten Eyed Joe, My Humps, Gold Digger (still not fond of that one), Doncha, Amzaed, Since You've Been Gone (gotta go out and get her new CD-= heard another one of her songs I love), and Gasolina!( a latin song Amber requested- must get their cd! I love latin music- this song was flat out amazing!)
Oh yea, one of the brothers in attendance proposed! Of course she said yes! Everybody cheered and applauded! She looked soo happy, and his proposal was very romantic. That man is sooo brave to propose in front of a large group of people! I can imagine its tough when its just the two of you, but multiply that by 20 and still do it well! WOW!! Lucky girl got a ring with three diamonds. Nice ring, too much for me. I don't want a diamond engagement ring- I would rather have an emerald or a saphire with a little single or cluster of small diamonds around it. But to get that I would have to become engaged which would mean I would have to have a serious boyfriend. Meaning I would have to get a boyfriend in the first place. But hey, I am young and have a lot of time for that. I want to graduate before I become engaged. Froggiegirl is engaged to Gimlet and even she said being engaged and being a student would have been too much, and since I'm a bridesmaid and I've seen her do the planning- I have to say I agree!

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