Wednesday, December 13, 2006

2006 in Review

This survey is about the year 2006. Answer the questions thinking about the past year. My answers are below:

1) Overall, have you had a good year? yea I guess so
2) What has been your biggest achievement? graduating from college
3) Did you take any exams, pass? last summer, and yes I passed

4) Have you been on a vacation (list where and when)? nope...summer school and no money
5) Have you bought anything expensive? a laptop computer- my first!!
6) Have you had a job? some little assigments from Kelly Temps
7)Made any big decisions? um, researching a puppy?
8) Lost a friend or loved one? yea, RIP Riley Hughes, and Shadow- beloved black lab
9)Met anyone amazing? uh...that'd be a no
10) Made new friends? yep
11) Moved house? nope
12) Changed College? nope, I'm all done now
13) Tried something new? obedience training a puppy
14) Been more happy or sad? happy
15) Made any enemies? not on purpose...
16) What music will you remember from this year? my introduction to Raggaeton (ty Amber) and "Hips don't lie" By Shakira, and "Buttons" by Pussycat Dolls, "Promiscous" by Nelly Furtado, and "Switch" by Will Smith

17) What movies have you seen at the cinema this year? um.... Superman Returns,
18) What was your best night out? Jenny and Tom's Wedding

19)What was your worst night out? hmmm....I don't know
20) Best day? gettting my puppy Loki
21) Worst day? when we had to put Shadow to sleep
22)Best month?May- I found out I was going to graduate in August!!
23)Worst month? Febuary
24)Was summer a gooden'? I was in class most of the time, but having Loki helped
25)Have you made better friends with anyone? yes
26) Lost any friends? makes me sad b/c it wasn't my fault
27) Made any plans for next year? not really, getting a job and perhaps going to Sectionals to help choose new Railroaders
28) How many hair colours have you had? just blonde

29)Got pierced? no
30) Got inked? never!
31) Changed your image? nope
32) Missed anyone? yes- my brothers!!
33) Know what you want in the future? yup
34)Regret anything? yes, everybody regrets something

35)Have you had any relationships this year? no but I've gone on dates
36) Been to church? for Jenny and Tom's Wedding
37)Cried yet? yeah....
38) Been on a diet? yes the doctors have put me on a few diets to make my tummy better

39) Pulled an all nighter? yep- good old 4 AM visits to the ER
40) Drank Starbucks? YUM

41) Went Camping? define camping
42) Bought something(s)? lots of things
43) Met someone special? everyone is special
44)Been out of state? yea
45)Gone Snowboarding? no.
46)Gotten in a car accident? nope not this year

47)Gone over your cell phone bill? nope!

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