Wednesday, October 05, 2005

APO and other stuff

Last night my fraternity had its pledge ceremony. We brought in 18 pledges!!! My pledge class was only 5 people. I am soooo excited!!! Its kinda daunting though, we have never had a class this big. Hopefully, all of them will activate. I have a new little, Mitra (Metra). My previous littles, Michelle and Rob, went on to become presidents. Anybody noticing that my littles go on to greatness? I'm kidding, well maybe not.... Rob and I were grinning big silly grins after the ceremony. We have a new thing for the meetings; a gripe box. I decided to write one. So after the meeting ended I wrote on my paper "Rob is a dork. J/K" I gave it to Rob and he laughed. I thought it was an entertaining way of gripping.
The Cardinals won their first playoff game vs. San Diego Padres yesterday 8-5. I was sitting in my International Business class w/ one ear plug in, listening to the game. I actively participated in class, and the prof. never had a clue. This is the second time I have done this. Last time we were in the playoffs, I listened while I was in Spanish class, again Prof. never had an inkling that I was listening to the game. I was in my car when Reggie Sanders hit the grand slam. Thank goodness, I ended up screaming for that, I woulda been in so much trouble in class- I don't think I woulda been able to keep quiet through that one. The ninth inning got a little scary, but we pulled though. Next up Game 2 at 3 pm. If you have an extra ticket and want to share it w/ your fav. Cards fan- look me up!! I am sooo jealous of my friend, Kerri, who gets to attend t/m's game! Let's Go Cards!!!


froggiegirl said...

For some reason I'm thinking there were 6 in our pledge class but I can't think of who...our pledge class: Mike, Me, You, Angie, Maddie...oh that one guy did everything except the initiation ceremony...

JBear1982 said...

That was wierd. I don't understand why you would do all that and then not activate. That's all he had to do was show up for the ceremony.