Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So I had my MRI this afternoon or as I named it Merciless Reverberating Irritant. I went the wrong direction on Tesson Ferry and ended up being three or four minutes late to my 2 pm appt. Usually not a problem, b/c doctors or xrays don't run on time. Wrong. B/c I was late, I did not get an open MRI like I had insisted on. No, I got the CLOSED MRI. I was not happy. So I had to hurridly fill out some forms, and just as I sat down, they called my name. This little old lady was sitting in there saying she was next. The person doing my MRI said that there were two different slots; one for MRI's and one for mamograms(which the little old lady was having I'm guessing). The little old lady reminded me of my grandma. Not the nice grandma, but the mean old tyrant inside my grandma's body. So since I had this closed MRI, I had to calm myself big time. Thank goodness I know how to do this. I thanked GOD at least three times that I'm little. The lady who did my MRI told me to lay really stiff and when I heard the noises it was important to breathe normal and relax. So I listened to the radio on the headsets (the left side was the only side working), relaxed my body, closed my eyes, pretended I was on a beach and tried to take a nap. It worked. I was only midly irritated by the noises. Towards the end, I'd had it. My right knee (which has two screws in it about inch/inch and a half long) from a previous knee surgery started hurting and burning. So I intentionally caused pain in my thumb in order to direct pain to another part of me, and so I ignored my knee and didn't panic. It took about an hour. So I treated myself to chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, oreos, and chocolate chips for being so relaxed. Results should be in t/m. Hopefully the doc can figure out what the heck I did to my back and I can get better. I am so sick of my back hurting. Its so irritating.


froggiegirl said...

:( I really hope that they figure it out soon so your back quits hurting!

gimlet said...

Hey, glad you're done with the MRI. I hate to say it, but you're tougher than me...I couldn't even take being halfway in the closed MRI at Barnes.

It's funny that only the left side worked for you, I had the exact same thing!

Hope you hear back from the doc tomorrow so you can start getting better right away!

Merc Man said...

Congratulations on getting through your MRI. The best part will be when they find the cause of your back pain and get busy making it go away for good!