Monday, August 07, 2006

That's right, I'm a graduate!

I am an official graudate of the University of Missouri- St. Louis!!! Yay!! I had my graduation party on Sat, August 5th, it was a small gathering. A nice bbq in my backyard with a few friends. Just what I was looking for. I got some nice gifts. Rachel K. got me a gift certificate to Bath & Body Works(I love that store- visited yesterday and stocked up!), Gimlet and Froggiegirl gave me three candle holders in the shape of flowers and extra tea candles. My brother gave me a gift certificate to Best Buy (suprise, suprise- that's his usuall gift for everybody)-used it to get a laptop carrying bag. My parents suprised me by paying a nice chunk of change on my new laptop! All in all, I'm happy. I have yet to send out graduation announcents, which I will be doing soon (I promise!). It's still a little weird not going for back-to-school shopping, and prepping for classes. I can't wait to start working! I am taking one week off to relax and then I'll call Kelly Temps- tell 'em I'm free and can work. I figure I'll work there until I find a more permanent job. So Congrats to me! 2nd Generation to attend and graduate from college!!


elizabeth said...
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Merc Man said...

Congratulations!! I remember going to the library shortly after I graduated and picked out a whole bunch of books that I actually WANTED to read instead of HAVING to read.

Best of luck on your job search.