Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I love the Zoo

Today, mom and I ventured out to the St. Louis Zoo (before it got too hot). We started off in River's Edge where we saw Cappberras (they are related to Guinea Pigs), hogs, a cheetah, and Raja! We also visited the bears; one was playing with a bone-he was standing up and tossing it over his head! We also visited the Penguin and Puffin Exhibit for the first time. There was no long line this time; it was soooo cold in there! They were soo cute. Then it was on to see Zebras, Camels, kangaroos, and finally Big Cat Country! My two fave areas at the zoo are the Wild Area where the bears play, and Big Cat Country! A lot of the animals were taking naps, but a tiger, a puma, and a leopard were striking poses. Click here to see my pics from the zoo


froggiegirl said...

The zoo is so much fun!

Merc Man said...

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!