Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11

*Several articles were available to read all over the web today( on 9/11-on the attack and the repercussions). On you could watch a clip that replayed those horrible happenings. I got into 2 seconds of it and had to stop it...I saw the second plane crash into the towers and saw both towers fall once, I can't bear to see it again...unfortunately I did see the second plane crash again and relieved the awful memories. On my way home from work, riding w/ Dad, and listening to the radio, The Big 550, they began to play a song "Have You Forgotten?"-thankfully they didn't play the entire is a great song, very moving, but it always makes me cry...the vivid images the words present set me off every time. We must never forget what happened that day- we must never allow it to happen again. I stand behind Bush in his war against Terrorism- I have from day one and I will continue to do so. Terrorism has no place in this world. I had a moment of silence for the victims of the towers and flight 93 today, and I hope that many people did the same. God bless...and yes I am blogging that...and stay safe!

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