We finally named our puppy last night. It was my idea too. The decision on her name was unanimous, instantly everybody said "yea!" Puppy Noel is now known as Loki. The name Loki comes from the Norse God of Mischeif. Of course, we refer to her as the Goddess of Mischeif. I believe her registered name for UKC will be Jenny's Goddess of Mischeif Loki. Loki is constantly exploring, very energetic, and chewing on everything. Including hands- Gimlet described it the best- her teeth feel like rose thorns. Puppy needle teeth hurt! We try to provide her with an alternate chewing source as soon as she starts nibbling. Mr. Hippo (a fleecey hippo with a squeaker inside) is her favorite toy. She loves to chew on it and carry it around. The toy is bigger than her head, so its very funny when she does that. Last night she claimed another item as "hers". We have had a stuffed squirel with a squeaker in it for a while, orignially we were going to scorch it and place it on friends mailbox, that resembles a generator. However, last night, Loki wandered over to where it was under the coffee table, picked it up, and placed it in her crate. So the squirel is hers. It was the cutest thing.
puppy is So So So SO SO SO SOOOOOOO cute!
I think Loki was the half-brother to Thor, son of Odin and the God of Thunder. Anyway, Puppy Noel is definitely a cutie-patootie!
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