Sunday, February 11, 2007

PC Sucks

Superbowl Commercials are often the highlight of the Superbowl event. Every year advertisers try to do outdo each other by creating the best commercial. They spend millions of dollars just for a 2 or more seconds blip. Well, Snickers managed to pay the hefty due and landed a commercial during the Superbowl. The commercial featured a guy eating a snickers bar while working on a car, then the other guy who is helping him takes a bite at the other end. They end up redoing the famous scene from Disney's Lady and the Tramp. *Each eating a string of spaghetti and end up kissing each other* After this "kiss" the guys freak out, and then declare they must do something "manly" to erase this act. So they rip out a section of their chest hair. It was kinda funny, and some people liked it. Where is this commerical now? Its off the air, it's been banned. Why? B/c members of the gay community claimed it was too "homophobic" and therefore damaging to their image. So in an attempt to apease them and be more "PC", the commercial was pulled.
Everything in this day and age must be PC. It sucks. So much for freedom of speech.


froggiegirl said...

Well, they didn't have to pull the commercial, but they did in order not to risk people not boycotting their brand. When it comes to advertising, you have to think about what people are thinking of your entire brand, not just your commercial. If people don't like your commercial, they might boycott your entire brand and you will loose tons of money and could eventually be put out of business.

JBear1982 said...

Yea, but I'm not sure that enough people would boycott the product b/c of one commercial. It wasn't that homophobic. A lot of people are just way to sensitive to things.