Thursday, October 05, 2006

JBear's going under the knife

Yep, I'm having surgery Monday afternoon. I am having my gall blader removed. Apparently there are some gall stones and some sludge in there, and I'm in pain, so its got to go. For those who didn't know, I spent two days in the hospital trying to figure out why the heck I was so sick. Don't freak out on me, I'm fine, I have a really high tolerance for pain-but last Monday morning the pain was too intense. Tests came back normal (typical), went to doctor on Tuesday, went back to ER on Wed b/c I wasn't improving, got admitted and and to spend two and a half miserble days at St. Johns Mercy. I didn't tell ppl b/c I didn't want ppl to get scared. I am only telling ppl now b/c I don't want ppl getting all "ohmygosh, you're getting your gall bladder removed!". It's not a big deal, just a little outpatient laproscopic surgery. I will be fine, and hopefully after the surgery my stomach won't hurt all the time
*Warning: I am in no way posting this to get attention-that is the absolute last thing I want. I just don't want ppl worried about me. If anybody thinks that visiting me after my surgery is a good idea, forget it. I don't want any visitors until Thursday at the earliest. I don't like ppl seeing me all incapacitated. Besides Monday I'll be all drugged up. I won't be good company either, trust me. If you want to send flowers, cards, teddy bears thats fine (I am so kidding- a simple get well soon posted on my comments here will do the trick). I don't want this thing blown out of porportion, so I am telling everything now. The procedure is minor, I will feel bad for 3 or 4 days and in 2 weeks I will be fully recovered. I will admit I am a little nervous, but I've had worse surgeries so it's not that bad. I will just have to avoid having Loki jump up on me and hit my stomach. I WILL BE FINE!
*In other news, Loki is doing great. Her spaying went fab, and the stitches are out and everything looks great. Her fur is growing back fast, and she is her normal chaotic self. She did get into some grass seed w/ fertilizer and had red eyes and a swollen snout for a few days. She looked like she was majorly hung over. We gave her a benadryl (vet said this is okay). We also put a wet, cool washcloth over her eyes and that really helped get rid of the red puffy eyes. Poor puppy! Silly puppy is actually a better description, always getting into trouble, maybe she'll learn a lesson from all this. Then again maybe not.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of your naughty gall bladder. I had the same procedure some years back. I had same day surgery at St. Luke's. Didn't even need pain killers afterwards. The incisions are so small each only had one stitch and a round band aid covering them. The scars look like mosquito bites. My surgeon told me I might not feel like dancing on the table tops for a few days, but it was worth it to not be sick any more. Also, glad to hear Loki is recovering nicely from her surgery. Daisy is finally off all meds and is high energy now.
-Mrs. Merc Man

froggiegirl said...

I've been waiting to hear what the result was after all the dr. visits!

I hope that it goes well and you feel better fast!

Merc Man said...

Sorry to hear you've had a rough go, but glad the offending party is going to be removed. Mrs MercMan has only one regret re her gall bladder surgery--that she didn't have it done sooner!

Best Wishes!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I'll be praying that everything goes well. Keep us posted. :)