Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nat Con Day 4

Day 4- Thursday, December 30th: This was the final day of the conference :( Didn't have to be on legislative floor until 8:30 AM as we had gotten through the meatier stuff the day before. Legislation went well and we ended up finishing a lot earlier than planned :) Brother John K. Ottenad was elected & voted as Vice President of the Fraternity!!! Brother Mark Stratton was elected & voted President of the Fraternity. Brother Glen Kinder was elected & voted as one of 6 Program Directors. At the final regional meeting, it was a unanimous decision to re-elect Jenn Churchill as our Region Director. 2 of the section chairs, Travis and Megan surprised Jenn w/ a birthday cake as it was her birthday. Everyone enjoyed a nice yummy piece of b-day cake. Brother John K. Ottenad was presented with the Region DSK (Distinguished Service Key) by two Alpha Phi- Wash U (his home chapter). The girls who presented it were so cute in their presentation. JKO was shocked and humbled by this. JKO definitely deserved this award, everything he has done for our region and the sections has been much appreciated. Visited the Fraternity store where they were having a sale, unfortunately the shirt I got was not on sale, but it was worth it! Also picked up a convention pin. I sat with Jenn G and the Epsilon chapter at the Awards Banquet where I was pleased to see Beta Psi (my father's chapter) win the National Scouting Award. An award they have won for the past 8 years (Nat Con is held every other year & Beta Psi has won this award at the last 4 conventions). I also had the great pleasure of seeing Brother George Kober receive the National DSK- the highest honor! Well deserved!!!! and he is of Region 8, Section 49- my Region & Section !!! Attended the Sleepless in Atlanta pajama dance for a little while, then headed up to the region suite to hang out. Bid farewell to Steven & Keely (who drove down there) who had to leave super early the next day to be back in the STL as Keely had to work New Years Day.

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