Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Zumba- Week One

Today was my first Zumba class. For those who don't know, Zumba is a fusion of latin dance moves, hip hop and aerobics. I signed up for an eight week session, and today was class one. I was super excited. Within the first few minutes, I learned the following: 1) bring a water bottle (hydration is muy importante- the instructor kept saying "keep hydrated"), 2) my knees don't like some of the moves, but this will help stregthen them which in the long run is great, 3) you don't really need to get a locker- if you get there early enough you can snag a hook for your coat, 4) my salsa abilities help a little, 5) ditch the watch, time is irrelevant, class ends when class ends (besides I was the only one wearing one), 6) this class is going to kick my butt. So the next class I will definately be bringing a bottle of water- although finding a water bottle might be a problem j/k we have an overflow of water bottles in the house as a few years ago they were all the rage as participation gifts. Between scouts and APO we accumulated quite a few within a short period. The instructor warned us that our legs will be burning t/m morning. I hope so, that means that I'm working hard. I'll just stretch it out. Also, I might have to ge the names of the songs played so I can download them :) some of them I already have. The music is a variety of latin, hip hop, and raggaeton songs. I heard a new Daddy Yankee song- must get this :) I am already thinking of signing up for another session when this is over. It is a lot of fun but a lot of work, within the first ten minutes you are sweating.

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