Merry Christmas to all!! Santa was very good to the Noel family this Christmas. The happiest it seems is my dad. Mom and I went in together and got an ipod nano (4 GB silver) for him. He is estatic! He has been downloading songs from albums all day. As I type he is dancing around the house, literally. I think he is extremly happy with his gift. Even Loki is happy with her present from Santa Dog; a new squeaky cow (aka Frankenmoo b/c the old one was too beat up). She was making us throw it while we were unwrapping presents. I have already had to stitch Frankenmoo up, his neck ripped.
We opened presents around 9ish, Mark played his new Wii game (I watched my new movie Bring It On: In it to Win it- I don't like video games), Mom and I set up my new Jewelery Armoire (its really big!), then we watched Hairspray (finally, our DVD player doesn't like it so we hooked another DVD player so Dad and Mark could see it), then we finished March of The Wooden Soldiers (started it last night but parents went to bed before finishing it). There is a Marathon of Stargate SG1 today on SciFi. Whoohoo!
Mom has started to cook Christmas dinner. The ham isn't in the oven yet b/c my little turkey is in there. Mom is prepping it tho. I hate Ham, so I get a mini turkey and everyone eats ham and everybody is happy. I had yesterday off (yay!) as well as today. T/m is back to work, shouldn't be too bad. Going a bit stir crazy here.
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