Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Zeta Beta

I have recently learned that all of the brothers of the Zeta Beta (Alpha Phi Omega) chapter are safe and accounted for. I very happy to hear this. Yesterday I was wondering if there was a chapter there and if the brothers were okay. I received two notices letting me know that there is indeed a chapter there and that the brothers are okay. I was also sent the following;
Hello Brothers,I'm sure you've all heard about the tragic events today at Virginia Tech, and I know that I'm wondering what if it had happened on my campus. The brothers of the Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at Virginia Tech have had this tragedy occur right where they live and study. They could use as much support and encouragement as possible right now in light of this tragedy, so it'd be great if as many chapters as possible could send cards and letters of encouragment to them. Their mailing address is below:
Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity
PO Box 1011
Blacksburg, VA 24061
In LFS, David Erickson Alpha Phi Chapter

I encourage all of my brothers to do this, this is a fantastic idea. I was just thinking of what other chapters could do, and this popped into my inbox via facebook. All of my thoughts and prayers are with the brothers of Zeta Beta, as well as the rest of the people affected by this horrible event.

1 comment:

JSC said...

Collectively, we Cubs fans have a pretty big sense of humor about these things. If we didn't, we'd all off ourselves. But this morning's Post-Dispatch angered me. And it ticked off Tony LaRussa as well: http://www.kmov.com/video/sports-index.html?nvid=139395

Probably because the Cubs showed the Cards tonight that there IS a chance.

P.S. On a side note, despite our distinct differences on baseball teams, we seem to share similar ideas about the titles of our blogs. Check mine out at http://bluesden.blogspot.com/