Poor little Loki still has an ear infection and she does not like that ear medicine we have to put in her ear. It doesn't hurt, she just doesn't like it. Loki passed level 2 and moved onto level 3 in obedience class. She should pass level 3 and move on to level 4 next Sat. She is doing very well. Got a new pinch collar for her, much better- it doesn't pop off. Spoke with the trainer about the original one-asked if it needed to be tightened- yep! Told ya so mom! Loki is still stealing stuff, but she is getting better about letting it go and coming and sitting at our feet when we yell at her. She still chases the cat, poor Climber, Loki thinks its great fun to torment him. Loki loves her pool! Loves to dive for treats and stomp around...doesn't like to be splashed tho. Loki is camping with the parents this weekend. Went to the lake yesterday, but was more interested int he goose poop than the lake itself. They gave her a bath afterwards, and then she rolled in the grass and dirt! Typical Loki! She has a fascination with rolling in the grass.
Our Golden got LOTS of ear infections when she was a young dog. The best med we ever had was a product called Panalog. It came in a tube with a long tip. We'd squeeze a dollop of it deep into her ear and then message the outside of her ear to distribute the medicine. Tinker liked the feeling so much, she'd actually fall asleep while we were rubbing her ear!
I don't know what kind of ear infection Loki has, but Tink's ear would start to put out LOTS of wax and she'd flap her ears a bunch like they were itching. Our vet guessed water, etc, was getting down inside the ear, and since gun dogs like labs and retrievers have such long, flappy ears, it wouldn't dry out before bacteria started growing in the ear canal.
Fortunately, the vet said most dogs eventually outgrow them, which is exactly what happened with our Fuzzy Wuzzy. Hope your puppy feels better soon.
Poor Loki!!!
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