Sunday, May 09, 2010

Personalized Plates

One of the things I wanted to do when I got a new car was to get personalized plates. I decided to get Cardinals plates, as I am an avid baseball fan. So I submitted the forms and necessary paperwork and so forth. My first choice was Bear82- combining the nickname given to me by my father when I was 5 seconds old and my birth year. If I couldn't get that I chose JOSO82- Oso is Spanish for bear, so it would have been (in english) JBear82. My third choice (and ultimaley the one I got as the other two are taken-boo) was 82Bear. I have also put up Birds on the Bat decals on the back two windows, a Darwin decal and a Cardinals atena ball. All that is missing is my APO sticker...had one but lost it (after I put it in a safe place so I wouldn't do that). So I have to order the one I want off the National website. I have had my car for 3 months now, and I am loving it! I love sitting higher up and feeling more secure. Almost 3000 miles on it (probally will have that by June). One thing I don't like about my new SUV: paying the monthly bill. Le sigh, such is the price of a new toy.